Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Welcome to the Corner! It's Time to Procrastinate!

Welcome friends and cupcake lovers! And welcome to those of you who may have wandered onto this blog by mistake or by chance. And welcome to you too, mom and dad.

Some of you may remember the Cupcake Kid's former collaborative effort, The Skinny Gourmet and the Cupcake Kid. Some of you may have noticed and not-so-subtly pointed out that Skinny Gourmet and the Cupcake Kid have gotten rather flabby about updating that blog. That is because Skinny Gourmet and Cupcake Kid have become overworked and very serious practitioners of the law. But lately Cupcake Kid has been feeling that itch. The itch to blog. And so she decided to strike out on her own sans Skinny Gourmet. (With a lot of poking and prodding and maybe some cupcakes we may be able to get Skinny Gourmet to guest blog once in awhile.)

What you'll find here in Cupcake Kid's Corner is a random assortment of thoughts and endorsements about pop culture, shopping, entertainment, leisure activities, and occasionally current events and other intellectual musings (that is, if Cupcake Kid's brain has anything left in it after a day of being squeezed dry at the ol' Biglaw firm).

So to kick us off, I'd like to share with you all some of the websites I love to visit when I need to procrastinate or give the noggin a break from thinking. This will be
the first in a series of posts, since Cupcake Kid is infinitely skilled at finding ways to distract herself on the interwebs.

First up is the Must Love Pekes blog. If you are lucky you have had the great fortune of meeting one of these:

This, my friends, is a Pekingese. I know everyone claims that their dog is so special and unique and unlike any other dog in the world, but let me tell you, there is no other dog in the world like a Pekingese. Let's be honest. Personality-wise, a golden retriever is roughly equivalent to a lab. A yorkie is roughly equivalent to a chihuahua. But the Pekingese? No other breed can match. This dog can snore like the burliest sailor, lounge like the laziest lizard, command attention with the air of Cleopatra, has the blind courage of Don Quixote facing a windmill, and runs around like the most crazed and wall-eyed devil you've ever seen. Plus its face often looks like a hamburger patty. Here is the Pekingese in his typical glory:

Anyway, I'm straying from the original topic, which is the blog Must Love Pekes. It's run by a Pekingese rescue in the Roanoke Valley area, and it features a gazillion pictures of these adorably grumpalicious creatures. It's perfect for afternoons at work when you need a little cheering up in the form of a cute fix which is not overly saccharine like those silly cat-jumping-into-a-box videos on Youtube. Even better, most of the Pekes features on the blog are available for adoption, so if you live on the East Coast and you're interested in adding a furry member to your family who looks like Walter Matthau and acts like a snortling (that's one who both snorts and chortles) piglet, get in touch with them and save a furry life!